Bible reading plan Bible reading plan

Green Custard Changed My Life!

16 April 2023

A cartoon picture of a blue and white striped jug containing something green that is dripping over the edge

By Fiona Leteney


I became a Christian at 16 and my Heavenly Father has guided me ever since.  More recently, I’ve realised how much He was involved in every detail of my life, even before I became a Christian.  He has known me right from my mother’s womb!  My DNA, my parents, my upbringing are all unique and important to who I’ve become and God’s purpose for me.


In Acts 7-9 we are introduced to Saul, who became the Apostle Paul.  His upbringing, education and standing within the Jewish community influenced his purpose and what he subsequently achieved for the Kingdom.


On Sunday we read Psalm 48.  Verse 14 (NLT) says:

For that is what God is like. He is our God forever and ever and he will guide us until we die.

which is really our theme for the week.  Every step of the way, every detail of our lives is important to God.


My first school was Hensingham Infants School, Whitehaven.  Not a pleasant experience.  Our classroom was a prefab building on bricks in the playground and we had a different teacher every week.  So my mum was not happy.  Then they served me green custard for my school dinners (that’s ‘lunch’ for anyone from the south!).  Green as in mint flavoured!  We were told we had to eat everything, nothing left, plates had to be clean.  Good missionary training but green custard, yuk, I was not happy!


So, my mum moved me to St James Church of England School.  I remember my first day, to help me settle in, one of the boys made me an imaginary cup of tea in the Wendy House.


My parents weren’t churchgoers, but I was now!  I played Mary in the nativity play in the infants’ school, and I was a ‘hymn book monitor’ at the junior school i.e. we put the hymn books out for our daily assemblies.  Dorothy was too (she is now part of GoChurch Manchester online as she still lives in Whitehaven).  Hymn No.5 was always my favourite: “Immortal, invisible God only wise”.  I never really understood it though.  St James’ was part of my journey to becoming a Christian.  And my conversion influenced Dorothy’s life too.  That green custard really did us both a favour!


What journey have you been on, what life experiences have you had, what desires or frustrations has God put within you that can direct you (if you don’t already know) to understanding the unique purpose God has for you?